With salt (NaCl) as raw material can be metal sodium (Na) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH, commonly known as caustic soda). First make a point to add: get sodium chloride at the same time get chlorine (Cl_2); get sodium hydroxide also get chlorine, also get hydrogen (H_2). It should be noted that hydrogen and chlorine can react. Hydrogen can be ignited or exploded in the air, and the product of the reaction is water, which can be described simply as 2H_2 + O_2 = 2H_2O using the chemical equation (to be learned later). The microscopic information of this chemical equation is that every two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule react to form two water molecules. Why participate in the reaction of hydrogen molecules and oxygen molecules is 2: 1? Because the water molecule is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. If the air is changed to chlorine gas, can the hydrogen ignite in the chlorine gas stream or, in turn, the chlorine gas can ignite in the hydrogen stream?