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随着教育体制改革的不断深入,各大高校学报体系的发展问题逐渐引起了教育人士的重视,几乎所有的高等院校都拥有自己高校的学报,以作为学校内部或者和外界交流的平台,但是,在目前的校园中,大学学报的发展前景不容乐观,大学学报的影响力正在逐渐下降,大家对大学学报的认可程度也在逐渐降低,大学学报正在逐渐失去它原有的魅力和作用。高校学报这种情况的出现是由多方面的原因中造成的,比如大学的学术氛围,市场竞争等诸多因素。大学学报的校园影响力下降,直接导致了校园内最新的研究成果的交流和共享受到阻碍,因此,本文将对高校学报目前的发展困境进行简要的分析,然后针对高校这个特殊机构的特点提出有针对性的改革建议,希望能够从一定程度上改善高校学报的现状,帮助其恢复原有的影响和作用。 With the continuous deepening of education system reform, the development of the system of major university journals gradually arouses the attention of educators. Almost all colleges and universities have their own journals of colleges and universities to serve as a platform for the exchange within and outside schools. However, In the current campus, the development prospect of college journals is not optimistic. The influence of university journals is declining. The degree of recognition of university journals is also gradually decreasing. University journals are gradually losing their original charm and function. The appearance of university journals is caused by many reasons, such as the academic atmosphere of colleges and universities, market competition and many other factors. The influence of university journals on campus has directly hindered the exchange and sharing of the latest research results in the campus. Therefore, this article will briefly analyze the current development dilemma of journals in colleges and universities and then put forward some suggestions to the characteristics of this special institution Targeted reform proposals, hoping to be able to improve the status of university journals to some extent, to help restore its original impact and role.
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