Stochastic response of van der Pol oscillator with two kinds of fractional derivatives under Gaussia

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tony_yang123
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This paper aims to investigate the stochastic response of the van der Pol(VDP) oscillator with two kinds of fractional derivatives under Gaussian white noise excitation.First,the fractional VDP oscillator is replaced by an equivalent VDP oscillator without fractional derivative terms by using the generalized harmonic balance technique.Then,the stochastic averaging method is applied to the equivalent VDP oscillator to obtain the analytical solution.Finally,the analytical solutions are validated by numerical results from the Monte Carlo simulation of the original fractional VDP oscillator.The numerical results not only demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed approach but also show that the fractional order,the fractional coefficient and the intensity of Gaussian white noise play important roles in the responses of the fractional VDP oscillator.An interesting phenomenon we found is that the effects of the fractional order of two kinds of fractional derivative items on the fractional stochastic systems are totally contrary. This paper aims to investigate the stochastic response of the van der Pol (VDP) oscillator with two kinds of fractional derivatives under Gaussian white noise excitation. First, the fractional VDP oscillator is replaced by an equivalent VFD oscillator without fractional derivatives terms by using the generalized harmonic balance technique. Chen, the stochastic averaging method is applied to the equivalent VDP oscillator to obtain the analytical solution. Finally, the analytical solutions are validated by numerical results from the Monte Carlo simulation of the original fractional VDP oscillator. Numerical results not only demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed approach but also show that the fractional order, the fractional coefficient and the intensity of Gaussian white noise play important roles in the responses of the fractional VDP oscillator. An interesting icon we found is that the effects of the fractional order of two kinds of fractional derivative items on the fractional stoc hastic systems are totally contrary.
为了千秋万代的事业FORTHECAUSETHROUGHOUTTHEAGES李家烈LiJialie(四川师范学院学报编辑部,南充637002)(EditorialDept.ofJournalofSichuanTeachersColege,Nanchon... For the sake of millions of generations FORTHECAUSETHROUGHOUTTHEAGES Li Jialie LiJialie (Sichuan Normal C
赵怀勋教授 ,男 ,汉族 ,陕西岐山人 ,196 0年 11月出生 ,1983年 7月西安交通大学计算机专业毕业 ,获学士学位 ,同年分配到武警技术学院工作 ;1994年 7月西安交通大学计算机专
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