Biogeographic distribution patterns of algal community in different urban lakes in China:Insights in

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:letmesee_lw
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Urban lake ecosystems are significant for social development,but currently we know little about the geographical distribution of algal community in urban lakes at a large-scale.In this study,we investigated the algal community structure in different areas of urban lakes in China and evaluated the influence of water quality parameters and geographical loca-tion on the algal community.The results showed that obvious differences in water quality and algal communities were observed among urban lakes in different geographical areas.Chlorophyta was the dominant phylum,followed by cyanobacteria in all areas.The net-work analysis indicated that algal community composition in urban lakes of the western and southern area showed more variations than the eastern and northern areas,respec-tively.Redundancy analysis and structural equation model revealed that nutrients and pH were dominant environmental factors that affected the algal community,and they showed higher influence than that of iron,manganese and COD Mn concentration.Importantly,al-gal community and density exhibited longitude and latitude relationship.In general,these results provided an ecological insight into large-scale geographical distributions of algal community in urban lakes,thereby having potential applications for management of the lakes.
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