Monte Carlo simulation to key parameters of a compensated neutron logger

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sylsq3
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A compensated neutron logger (CNL) is designed by using Monte-Carlo simulation for lead shield thickness, near-to-far detector spacing range, source-to-detector spacing range, and detector's effective length. The calculated results indicate that the optimum conditions for CNL are 80-mm thick lead plus 1-cm thick LiOH shield in front of the near detector, 250 mm for the near-to-far detector distance (Δr), and the source-to-detector distance (r) of 90mm. Simultaneously, some conclusion also obtained here, near/far detector counting response ratio (R) increases with the effective length of detector, R increases with the porosity for oil and water sandstones, and the oil sandstone is a bit greater than water sandstone. A compensated neutron logger (CNL) is designed by using Monte-Carlo simulation for lead shield thickness, near-to-far detector spacing range, source-to-detector spacing range, and detector's effective length. The calculated results indicate that the optimum conditions for CNL are 80-mm thick lead plus 1-cm thick LiOH shield in front of the near detector, 250 mm for the near-to-far detector distance (Δr), and the source-to-detector distance (r) of 90 mm .. Simultaneously, some conclusion also obtained here, near / far detector counting response ratio (R) increases with the effective length of detector, R increases with the porosity for oil and water sandstones, and the oil sandstone is a bit greater than water sandstone.
1 病例报告rn例1患者男,45岁.因打羽毛球后2h右上臂肿胀伴轻度疼痛于2009年6月3日晚在驻地某医院就诊,先后诊断为“急性关节炎”“皮肤过敏”并给予对症治疗,症状无好转.6月6
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