Dynamics of Soil Fauna in Da Hinggan Mountains, Northeast China

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wp76155900
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The dynamics of soil animals was studied in seven representative forest communities in the north of the Da Hinggan Mountains, Northeast China. The results indicate that it was distinctive in the changes of the numbers of soil animals and groups and diversity in relationship with seasons for macrofauna and meso-micro fauna in the study area. The numbers of the observed soil animals in different months were: October>August>June. Group number was larger in August and October, but smaller in June. The change of diversity index in different months was: August>June>Oc- tober. The biomass for macrofauna in different months was: October>June>August. The composition and number of each functional group was relatively stable. In the community of the predominant soil environment, the percentage of saprophagous animals was higher than carnivorous animals and herbivorous animals. The dynamics changes of sapro- phagous and carnivorous animals were distinctive, increasing from June to October, while the change of herbivorous animals was unremarkable. The dynamics of soil animals was studied in seven representative forest communities in the north of the Da Hinggan Mountains, Northeast China. The results indicate that it was distinctive in the changes of the numbers of soil animals and groups and diversity in relationship with seasons for macrofauna. The numbers of the observed soil animals in different months were: October> August> June. Group number was larger in August and October, but smaller in June. The change of diversity index in different months was: August> June> Oc- tober. The biomass for macrofauna in different months was: October> June> August. The composition and number of each functional group was relatively stable. In the community of the predominant soil environment, the percentage of saprophagous animals was higher than carnivorous animals and herbivorous animals. The dynamics changes of sapro- phagous and carnivorous animals were distinctive, increasing from June to October, while t he change of herbivorous animals was unremarkable.
目的探讨分析手术室护理干预对剖宫产手术患者切口愈合效果及并发症的影响。方法 80例行剖宫产手术进行分娩的产妇,随机分为对照组和研究组,各40例。对照组产妇采用常规护理
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2009年,在各地各部门和全社会的共同努力下,全区各类事故起数、死亡人数大幅下降,重特大事故得到有效遏制,安全生产 In 2009, with the joint efforts of all localities an
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