写好“融”篇章 推动军民融合深度发展

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中国航天科工集团公司2015年工作会议上着重提出解放思想、转变观念,大力推动军民融合深度发展。在经济发展呈现新常态的形势下,抓住机遇,主动作为,推动军民融合战略落地生根,着力写好“融”篇章,是持续增强军工企业市场竞争力,稳步推进民用产业深度发展的必由之路。新形势要有对“融”的从容应对当前,航天防务产业发展面临全新的形势。军民融合的深度发展,打破了军工领域的传统分工,“民参军”热情高涨,将形成武器装备竞争采购新常态。持续研制国家亟需的高新武器装备,是航天科工的崇高使命,必须聚焦体系牵引,研制生产出机动灵活、操作简便、体 At the 2015 working conference of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, it was put forward that emancipating the mind, changing concepts and vigorously promoting the in-depth development of military and civilian integration. Under the situation of economic development showing a new normal, seizing opportunities and taking the initiative, promoting the integration strategy of military and civilian people and putting emphasis on writing the chapter of “financial integration”, we will continue to enhance the market competitiveness of military industrial enterprises and steadily promote the in-depth development of civil industries only way. The new situation should have a calm response to “financial ” At present, space defense industry is facing a completely new situation. The deep development of military and civilian integration broke the traditional division of labor in the field of military industry and the enthusiasm of the “militiamen and armies” soaring will form the new normal of arms and equipment procurement competition. To continuously develop the high-tech weaponry and equipment desperately needed by the country is a noble mission of the aerospace science and engineering industry. It must focus on system traction, develop and produce a flexible and flexible operation,
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