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  IPEX展会总监Rob Fisher表示,“不断变化的市场需求和行业人士对一个大规模印刷行业展会的需求对于主办方而言一直是非常大的挑战。在与大量展商和合作伙伴沟通之后,我们认为,展会周期已经不能再满足行业的需求,展会品牌需要更多的支持和投入。”
  IPEX to close
  IPEX, the international print technology and equipment event, is to close after a period of consultation with the industry. The most recent edition took place at the NEC in Birmingham late October and early November 2017. Over 150 companies from 20 countries exhibited at the Informa Exhibition event to showcase the latest solutions in print technology and equipment, while over 7,000 visitors attended to source new products and keep abreast of industry trends. Rob Fisher, IPEX Event Director, said:“The changing market conditions and appetite for a large-scale event which focuses on Print in Action continues to be challenging. Having engaged with a range of exhibitors and partners to evaluate the options, we have concluded that the requirements of the industry no longer match our own in terms of the cycle, scale and what is required to help us further support and fully invest in the brand.”
  瓦伦西亚会议中心总经理Sylvia Andrés表示,“能够被客户推举为全球最佳会议中心,这是会展中心能获得的最大的殊荣了。今年正逢我们20周年,获此大奖是对我们努力的最佳认可。”
  Valencia Conference Centre Wins 2018 AIPC Apex Award
  On July 9, 2018, the Valencia Conference Centre in Spain was declared winner of the 2018 AIPC Apex Award. The selection was made as a result of an analysis of client surveys from 17 finalist centres made by the international market research firm Ipsos under a rigorous set of evaluation criteria established for the Award.
  In receiving the Award, Valencia Conference General Manager Sylvia Andrés said “The recognition of a convention centre as the World’s Best in the opinion of its clients is the best recommendation a conference centre can have. It also coincides with the fact that this year we are celebrating our 20th Anniversary, which makes it especially important as an endorsement of the management and the results we have achieved”.
  Easyfairs continues Gleanin rollout
  After experiencing success using Gleanin Connect across a number of visitor acquisition campaigns for its events portfolio run out of the UK during 2016, Easyfairs has now implemented the platform on over 50 of its events taking place this year in Asia, Africa, Belgium, Finland, France, UK and the US.
  In the first half of this year alone, the event organiser has so far seen an average of 14% of all visitor pre-registrants choosing to refer their events on to their own contacts and networks; either by sending personal invites and/or sharing their attendance on their social media networks. These referral campaigns conducted by the visitor registrants themselves, facilitated via the Gleanin platform, have delivered an average of 8% of registrations for the portfolio so far this year.
Once again, from 14 to 17 November 2016, the world’s biggest medical trade fair MEDICA and the leading international supplier trade fair COMPAMED, which take place in Düsseldorf, have provided a power
The Big 5子展將在埃及举办  由DMG展览公司主办的知名品牌展会The Big 5将于9月18-21日在埃及国际展览中心举办子展,规模将仅次于The Big 5迪拜展。今年的首届埃及子展面积将为24000平米,全方位展示全球领先的建材产品,分享行业知识并促进贸易成交。  在将近40多年的时间里,The Big 5展会是迪拜会展市场的标志性展会之一。而在过去数年间,The Big 5已经在多
俄罗斯Kazanskaya Yarmarka会展中心位于俄罗斯联邦鞑靼斯坦共和国的首府喀山市,是俄罗斯伏尔加地区唯一的举办工业类和高科技展览会的专业场馆,也是俄罗斯和独联体国家知名的会议活动举办地。会展中心是俄罗斯联邦十个最大以及最先进的会展中心之一。  会展中心以其杰出成就,是俄罗斯会展行业协会(RUEF)、国际展览业协会(UFI)、国际会议与大会协会(ICCA)、俄罗斯-德国工商会等知名业内机
瑞典会展中心出资奖励数字化环保产品CarbonAte  近日,瑞典知名会展场馆瑞典会展中心向“碳云”(CarbonCloud)机构颁发了赞助资金,以奖励他们的创新产品CarbonAte。该产品可以使场馆的餐饮部门更为方便地计算食物的碳排量以及对气候带来的影响。据悉,CarbonCloud公司得到的这笔奖金约为9700欧元。  瑞典会展中心总裁兼首席执行官Carin Kindbom表示,“我们认为,
新達新加坡会展中心荣获2018年UFI人力资源大奖  7月17日,UFI宣布,由于在人力资源作为重要商业伙伴方面的突出成效,新达新加坡展览中心荣获2018年UFI人力资源大奖。本次系会展中心击败另两名强有力的入选单位——马德里会展公司和慕尼黑展览公司夺得桂冠。  UFI人力资源委员会主席Cecilia Henningsson表示,“新达新加坡展览中心的人力资源部门和其他部门包括公司领导层之间的联系
1月16日,馬来西亚吉隆坡会议中心宣布,Hisham Bin Jaafar将从行政副厨师长被提升至行政主厨一职,领导由50名厨师和130名工作人员的餐饮团队。Hisham主厨在五星级酒店和会议中心宴会领域拥有26年的资深经验。过去10年间,他担任会议中心行政副厨师长一职。  吉隆坡会议中心作为当地知名的国际场馆,坐落于吉隆坡中心地带,多次获得业内顶级认证。会议中心可用面积为20,059平米,包括3
On 12 to 14, January, as one of the most important communication platform for global exhibition industry, the 13th China Expo Forum for International Cooperation (CEFCO 2017) was held in Macao, China.
良好的组织性  如果参展商想大幅削减参展成本,就必须有周密的计划性。尽可能早地完成所有必要的措施和任务是非常重要的,这样就可以不错过各项工作的截止期限。此外,良好的组织性可以使企业不忽视任何隐藏的成本因素,从一开始就省去最后关头因忘记某物而造成的昂贵的快递费用。通常情况下,展商应该在会展活动开始不晚于前十天订购现场所需的相关服务,如电话、互联网、电力和水。實践表明,如果在此日期之后才预订,一般这些
珀斯是一个让人们感到受欢迎的城市,市内有很多新的酒店、饭店和酒吧,商店数量繁多,市容市貌非常多元。而这所有的一切距离珀斯会展中心仅有不远的步行距离,所以,参会代表们都非常喜欢到会展中心来参加活动。  记者:首先请您简单介绍一下珀斯会展中心的设施。  答:珀斯会展中心是西澳大利亚唯一的专业会展场馆,拥有优良的会展设施,为到此参加会展活动的企业、行业协会、社区居民等提供良好的促进交流的机会。  会展中
当前,德国各大会展企业纷纷通过数字化渠道提升竞争力和内部运营效率。法兰克福展览公司正在投资其数字服务。“总的来说,这几乎是一个八位数的总投资。”公司的首席执行官Wolfgang Marzin表示。“我们在全球范围内的30个子公司都引入了数字应用,这一进程目前正在大力推进之中。”对于法兰克福展览公司而言,在数字化投入方面,提升客户的利益比通过数字化产品提升销售额更为重要。  正如法兰克福展览公司的另