The controlling factors of oil and gas charging and accumulation of Puguang gas field in the Sichuan

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ilytotti
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Combined with oil and gas transport and accumulation, structure-lithology evolution history, and with geochemistry and synthesizing geology methods, this paper studies the oil and gas discharge history of Puguang large scale gas field and the main controlling factors of oil accumulation. The natural gas in Puguang gas field is mainly coal-derived gas and oil-racked gas. The main hydrocarbon is Upper Permian coal mudstone and Lower Silurian mud shale with organic material. Puguang gas field has gone through discharge and adjustment 3 times, and it has favorable palaeostructure location, high quality dredge and effectively conserving conditions. Combined with oil and gas transport and accumulation, structure-lithology evolution history, and with geochemistry and synthesizing geology methods, this paper studies the oil and gas discharge history of Puguang large scale gas field and the main controlling factors of oil accumulation. The natural gas in Puguang gas field is mainly coal-derived gas and oil-racked gas. The main hydrocarbon is Upper Permian coal mudstone and Lower Silurian mud shale with organic material. Puguang gas field has gone through discharge and adjustment 3 times, and it has favorable palaeostructure location, high quality dredge and effectively conserving conditions.
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英国著名的《卫报》挑选的50部最适合家庭观看的影片——42.千与千寻(2001) 10岁少女千寻因好奇闯入一条神秘隧道,在隧道另一端发现一个不可恩议之镇——人类的禁地……宫崎骏
梁雨润,1956年2月出生于山西省芮城县,中共党员,大学文化。 Liang Yurun, born in February 1956 in Ruicheng County, Shanxi Province, member of CPC and university cul