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改革开放政策深入,社会经济发展问题显露,近年来中央政府发展战略决策思路中,县域经济发展在国家经济发展战略地位逐渐突出。面对我国区域发展不平衡,城乡差距拉大的趋势,中央提出科学发展观指导经济社会协调发展问题,如何协调发展,成为学界研究的热点课题。湖南作为中西部较为典型的省份,县域经济发展的地域差异明显。本文通过分析湖南省县域经济发展的制约因素,从县域经济发展战略选择的视角来展开讨论,并提出对策引以参考。 With the deepening reform and opening up policy and the issue of social and economic development, in the thinking of the strategic decision on the development of the central government in recent years, the economic development of the county has become increasingly prominent in the strategic position of the country’s economic development. Facing the unbalanced regional development in our country and the widening gap between urban and rural areas, the central government has proposed that the scientific concept of development should guide the coordinated development of economy and society and how to coordinate the development has become a hot issue in the academic circle. As a typical province in central and western China, Hunan has obvious regional differences in economic development. By analyzing the restrictive factors of county economy development in Hunan Province, this paper discusses from the perspective of strategic choice of county economy development and puts forward some countermeasures.
课程始终是职业教育教学改革的核心。改革开放30年来,我国职业教育的课程改革历程,正是一个学习世界职业教育课程成功经验从而博采众长,并结合中国国情的借鉴创新的过程。 C
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。山西省第十五届大中学生田径运动会剪影@古岩@逯慧春 Please download to view, this article does not support online access
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