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卢龙县万庄乡万庄村农民万云龙进行茬口巧安排,利用1.2亩温室种植了冬春茬伊丽莎白甜瓜——夏白菜——秋延后黄瓜;其中冬春茬伊丽莎白甜瓜亩纯收入20826元,夏白菜亩纯收入2586元,秋延后黄瓜亩纯收入6200元,折合亩纯收入29612元。现将其栽培经验介绍如下: 一、伊丽莎白甜瓜栽培技术: 1、育苗:冬春茬温室伊丽莎白甜瓜于1月上旬在温室内播种,苗龄50天,播种将种子用50~60℃温水浸泡10分钟,搅拌至水温30℃左右,再浸泡6~8小时,然后捞出用湿棉布包好,放在25~30℃地方催芽(温室内),每4小时用清水洗一次。播种前苗床浇足底水,按10厘米见方划出方格,然后每格一粒,上覆1.5厘米厚苗床土。播后白天25~30℃, Lulong County Wanzhuang Wan million farmers farmer Wan Yunlong stubble clever arrangement, the use of 1.2 acres of greenhouse planted winter and spring of elizabeth melon - summer cabbage - autumn delayed cucumber; which winter and spring elm melon acres net income of 20,826 yuan, Summer cabbage mu 2586 yuan net income, autumn cucumber mu pure income 6200 yuan, equivalent to 29612 yuan of net income of mu. The cultivation experience is now introduced as follows: First, the elvis melon cultivation techniques: 1, nursery: winter and spring greenhouse Elizabeth melon in early January sowing in the greenhouse, seedling age 50 days, sowing the seeds with 50 ~ 60 ℃ warm water soak 10 Min, stir until the water temperature is about 30 ℃, then soak for 6 ~ 8 hours, then remove and wrap it with wet cotton cloth and put it in germination (greenhouse) at 25 ~ 30 ℃, wash it with water once every 4 hours. Planting seedbed before sowing at the end of the water, according to square 10 square meters to draw square, and then a grid of each, over 1.5 cm thick seedbed soil. After sowing during the day 25 ~ 30 ℃,
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