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9月1日,副主任黄贤友参加全国宗教界青年代表人士考察团座谈会。2日,省基督教“两会”在宜昌市召开湖北省西部地区神学思想建设研讨会,助理巡视员周庆章出席会议并讲话。6日,纪检组长李小润参加省社会治安综合治理委员会第三次全体会议。7日,全省干部监督工作会议在武昌召开,我委派员参加会议。8日,主任郭大孝在全省统战部长统战理论培训班上作题为“研究和把握当代世界民族宗教闻题,努力做好新时期新阶段湖北的宗教工作”的讲座。8日,纪检组长李小润参加省直机关党建(党委)中心学习组召开的学习落实科学发展观座谈会。8日,我委派员参加省政府组织的鄂东大别山旅游开发现场办公会。 On September 1, Huang Xiangyou, deputy director of the delegation, participated in a delegation discussion with delegations of young people in religious circles in the country. On the 2nd, the provincial Christianity “two sessions ” held a symposium on the construction of theological ideas in the western part of Hubei Province in Yichang. Assistant inspector Zhou Qingzhang attended the meeting and made a speech. On the 6th, discipline inspection team leader Li Xiaorun participated in the third plenary session of the provincial social security comprehensive governance committee. On the 7th, the provincial cadre supervisory work conference was held in Wuchang, and I appointed members to attend the meeting. On the 8th, Director Guo Daxiao made a lecture on “Studying and Grasping the Religions in the Contemporary World and Making Efforts to Do a Good Job in the Religious Work in Hubei in the New Period in a New Stage” at the United Front Workshops for the United Front in Provinces. On the 8th, discipline inspection team leader Li Xiaorun participated in the seminar on studying and implementing the scientific concept of development held by the Central Learning Group of the party-building (party committees) under the provincial authorities. On the 8th, I commissioned a delegation to participate in the tourism development site of the Dabie Mountain in Hubei Province organized by the provincial government.
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2008年6月17-28日,自治区人事厅组织我区农业考察团一行16人,前往长江三角洲地区进行综合考察。考察期间,全体团员拜谒中山陵园、考察 From June 17 to June 28, 2008, the
神奇鬼迹近40年的时间里,他5次登上了银幕,3次被真人化改编、原著漫画在日本漫画史上产生深远的影响……这些荣誉,都是属于《GEGEGE 的鬼太郎》的。今年4月上映的真人版电影