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在新课程改革的背景下,教育部对高中计算机教学提出了更高的要求,然而传统的教学模式并不能满足这些要求,课堂教学效率低下。结合自己多年的教学经验总结了几点提高高中计算机教学有效性的策略。 In the context of the new curriculum reform, the Ministry of Education put forward higher requirements for computer teaching in senior high schools. However, the traditional teaching model can not meet these requirements and inefficient classroom teaching. Combined with many years of teaching experience summed up a few high school computer teaching to improve the effectiveness of the strategy.
In Sep. 2010, the neutron guide system, which was designed by neutron scattering laboratory in CIAE, made by MIRROTRON in Hungary and installed by both, has bee
The parton rescattering effect on the charged particle production in ultra-relativistic p+p collisions is studied by the parton and hadron cascade model PACIAE,
We have investigated the low energy dipole response in proton-rich nuclei 17F and 17Ne in the consistent relativistic Hartree Bogoliubov (RHB) and relativistic
AIM: To evaluate the undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of liver (UESL) in adults in order to improve its diagnosis and treatment. METHODS: Four primary and one
Branching ratios between the interband and intraband transitions have been extracted from the in-beam γ spectroscopy data of Odd-odd 174Re.Interband transition
The platform of Jordan Subcritical Facility is sheet steel structure supported by 4 steel pipes. The seism analysis is carried through in order to make it clear
有这样一则因消费者购房受欺诈而引发的争讼: 消费者焦某与A开发公司签订了商品房销售合同.合同约定,焦某购买A公司出售的商品房一套,房价款为21万元,房屋产权归焦某.当焦某