
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lqy760305
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我国政府对世界儿童问题两个文件的承诺,使妇幼卫生工作面临着新的形势和新的任务。实现本世纪最后十年妇幼卫生工作的奋斗目标,迫切需要加快人材培养,特别是普遍提高基层妇幼卫生人员素质,这样才能为发展妇幼卫生事业提供足够数量的具有相应水平的人力资源。我们从执行妇幼卫生合作项目的实践中感到,项目培训无论内容还是方法、效果,都优于过去沿用的传统培训方式。它不仅适用于项目县,而且对非项目县也有适应性,具有广泛的推广价值。因此,我们运用项目培训的经验,逐步在非项目县开展基层妇幼卫生人员培训,从而以项目培训带动了非项目县的人材培养,对全省妇幼卫生工作起到了重要的推动作用。 The commitment of the Chinese government to the two documents on the world’s children’s issues has made the maternal and child health work face new situations and new tasks. To achieve the goal of the maternity and child health work in the last decade of this century, it is imperative to speed up the cultivation of human resources, and in particular to improve the quality of grass-roots women and children health workers in order to provide a sufficient number of human resources for the development of maternal and child health. From the implementation of the maternity and child health cooperation project, we feel that the project training is better than the traditional training methods used in the past regardless of content, method, or effect. It not only applies to project counties, but also has adaptability to non-project counties and has extensive promotion value. Therefore, we have used the experience of project training to gradually carry out the training of grass-roots women and children health workers in non-project counties so that project training has led to the cultivation of human resources in non-project counties, which has played an important role in promoting the maternal and child health work in the province.
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