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这一组文章是美国电气与电子学工程师协会综述性月刊“IEEE Spec—trum”一年一度对世界电子技术领域内的重大发展所作的述评,原载于1982年1月的该刊。这些述评内容丰富,涉及面广,在一定程度上反映了美国工程界和学术界对当今世界技术发展水平的看法,对我国读者有一定的参考价值。 去年一年的显著特点是:美国和其它先进国家的“数字化”势头方兴未艾;计算机的应用正在渗透到以前不曾设想的偏僻角落。航天飞机试飞成功,标志着尖端科学技术达到了一个新的顶峰。“Spectrum”编辑部在研究了各方面的报告以后,列举了这一年中最引人注目的如下成就: (1)超大规模集成达到了前所未有的高电路密度,三个片子组成主机,一个片子集成43万个晶体管; (2)数据转换器达到了系统级水平, (3)终端彩色图形设备取得进展,管理软件包逐步出现; (4)数据库处理机投放市场; (5)32位微处理机(微主机)问世; (6)局部通讯网络建成,允许各终端独立操作; (7)法国电力网增添了八个核电站,到1981年中期,法国核电力已占其总电力的44%; (8)测试仪器与计算机接口,或在测试仪器内部安装微处理器; (9)日本索尼公司利用CCD和磁存储技术创造了世界第一台无胶片的照相机; (10)中、高档录音机几乎全部采用微处理机控制; (11)便携式个人计算机与多? This set of articles is an annual review of the significant developments in the world of electronic technology by the IEEE Spec-trum, a monthly review by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, originally published in January 1982. These reviews are rich in content and involve a wide range of aspects, which, to a certain extent, reflect the views of the U.S. engineering and academic circles on the level of technological development in the world today and have certain reference value for Chinese readers. The salient feature of last year was the “digitization” momentum in the United States and other advanced countries in the ascendant; the use of computers was infiltrating remote, previously unforeseen, spots. The successful test flight of the space shuttle marks a new peak in cutting-edge science and technology. After studying various aspects of the report, Spectrum editorialists cite the following achievements of the year: (1) VLSI achieves unprecedented high circuit densities, with three film hosts and one film Integration of 430,000 transistors; (2) data converters reaching system-level, (3) progress in color graphics devices for terminals, and gradual emergence of management software packages; (4) database processors to market; (5) 32-bit microprocessors (6) the local communication network is built to allow the terminals to operate independently; (7) the French Power Network added eight nuclear power plants. By mid-1981, France’s nuclear power accounted for 44% of its total power; 8) Test equipment and computer interface, or microprocessor installed inside the test equipment; (9) Japan’s Sony Corporation using CCD and magnetic storage technology to create the world’s first camera without film; (10), almost all high-end recorders Using microprocessor control; (11) portable personal computers and more?
MST,是一种新技术:具有较高的组装密度。 单片系统技术(MST)是设计和制造产品的一种方法,这种技术比以前的技术有更高的组装密度,该技术的基本单元是芯片(基片)。芯片装在组
在完善城乡“低保”制度和做好“低保”工作的过程中,要注意坚持如下四个原则: 一、鼓励劳动自救的原则 即救穷不救懒。家庭中凡具有劳动能力,但不参加劳动的人员,在计算家庭人均
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