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河北省建筑工程局所属第一建筑工程公司于1951年建立,现有职工六千余人,担负着华北油田、援建唐山及保定等重点工程的施工任务,工作范围分布广,点多线长,施工分散。如何做好科技档案、资料工作,成了科技档案、资料室的艰巨任务。但是,经过该公司科技档案、资料室工作人员的积极努力,恢复、整顿工作进展较快,健全了机构,充实了人员,建立了规章制度,将科技档案、资料的管理纳入了公司技术管理之中,发挥了科技档案、资料在工作和生产中的作用,受到领导和工程技术人员的重视和称赞。该公司科技档案、资料工作在十年内乱期间,遭受极左路线干扰破坏比较严重。档案、资料室被取消,档案人员被调走当了保育员,已集中起来的档案材料、 Hebei Construction and Engineering Bureau, the first construction company established in 1951, the existing staff of more than 6,000 people, responsible for the Huabei Oilfield, aiding the construction of major projects such as Tangshan and Baoding construction tasks, the scope of work is widely distributed, multi-point long line Construction is decentralized. How to do a good job in science and technology files and information work has become a daunting task for science and technology files and reference rooms. However, after the active efforts of the staff of the company’s scientific and technological archives and reference rooms, the work of restoration and rectification has progressed rapidly and the institutions have been improved and personnel have been enriched. Rules and regulations have been established to incorporate the management of scientific and technological archives and materials into the technical management of the Company In the play, science and technology files, data in the role of work and production, by the leadership and engineering and technical personnel attention and praise. During the 10 years of civil strife, the company’s technology files and information work suffered severe interference from the ultra-left interference. Archives, reference room was canceled, archivists were transferred to be caregivers, have been gathered up the files,
肛门 ,直肠周围脓肿是外科的常见病 ,多发病。一般原因是不卫生或肛门周围疖肿合并肛门周围脓肿形成的机会比较多见 ,我院采取Ⅰ期根治手术替代传统的单纯切开引流术处理急性
读过鲁迅《孔乙己》的人,恐怕都无法将那个“站着喝酒而穿长衫”的孔乙己从记忆中抹去。可是,《孔乙己》的故事情节并不曲折,那么,它有什么魔法呢?这就是细节描写的功劳。 P
最近,莫瓦格公司和瑞士政府国防物资采购局签署了一项175辆“鹰”2(4×4)装甲侦察车的供应合同。 由于这是第二次合同,“鹰”式侦察车生产线在克罗伊茨林根要正常运转到2001