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蒸汽辅助重力驱(SteamAssistedGravityDrainage)SAGD技术是水平井结合注蒸汽工艺技术在开采稠油中的具体运用,在我国辽河油田开始了现场试验。为了分析生产井能否维持自喷并进行正常的SAGD开采,本文打破了常规的计算方法,首次将井眼轨迹计算技术引人多相流动的计算中,应用多相流体力学和传热学原理,建立了井筒内的能量平衡方程及热传导方程。通过对汽液两相流体在倾斜井筒中总传热系数方程式、热传导方程式及能量平衡方程式的求解,得出了计算井筒内任意点处压力、干度及其他物性参数的计算公式,总结出一套新的计算方法,并编制了计算软件。理论计算与现场实测数据的对比表明,该理论是正确的,利用该软件所得计算结果可以作为油田SAGD生产举升方案设计的依据。 Steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) technology is a horizontal well combined with steam injection technology in the exploitation of heavy oil in the specific use of Liaohe Oilfield in China began a field test. In order to analyze whether the production well can maintain self-spraying and carry out normal SAGD mining, this article breaks the conventional calculation method. For the first time, it introduces the well trajectory calculation technology into the calculation of multi-phase flow, and applies the principle of multi-phase fluid mechanics and heat transfer , Established the wellbore energy balance equation and heat conduction equation. Through calculating the total heat transfer coefficient equation, heat conduction equation and energy balance equation of the gas-liquid two-phase fluid in the inclined wellbore, the formulas for calculating the pressure, dryness and other physical parameters at any point in the wellbore are obtained. Set of new calculation methods, and the preparation of the calculation software. The comparison between the theoretical calculation and the field measurement data shows that the theory is correct. The calculation results obtained by the software can be used as the basis for the design of the lifting scheme for the SAGD production in the oilfield.
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在砂岩模型两相驱替实验过程中,判断油层润湿性应注意以下问题:(1) 应注意砂岩模型及实验流体的可靠性,充分考虑模型制作过程中各种因素及实验流体真实程度对润湿性的影响;(2) 应保证润
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