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经过大约3个月的制作整体完成了黑珍珠的制作,制作中有一下几点地方需要注意:1.合模线真的很烦人。2.甲板船体等地方比较大的零件需要多次假组。3.船体侧面炮门大小不一致,需仔细观察图纸后再进行组装,且铰链比较肉需要更换为蚀刻片。4.帆船的帆比较厚实,有条件可选择换成布帆(本次未更换),且帆布大小不一,安装时需要注意位置。5.桅杆看似长得差不多其实高度上有很大差别安装时候要注意位置。 After about 3 months of production to complete the production of black pearl, there are several points in the production need to pay attention to: 1. Mold line really annoying. 2. Decks and other parts of the larger parts need multiple false group. 3. Huge side of the gun door size inconsistencies, the need to carefully observe the drawings and then assembled, and the hinge need to replace the etching film. 4. sailing sails relatively thick, conditional can choose to replace the cloth sails (this is not replaced), and canvas sizes, the installation requires attention to the location. 5. masts seem to grow almost in fact, there is a big difference between the installation time to pay attention to the location.
The present buncher of INFN-LNS K800 Superconducting Cyclotron is installed inside the yoke of the cyclotron,0.5 m below the medium plane.The new buncher is des
作者简介:  刘虹余,就读于广东工业大學艺术设计学院,师从著名画家张洪亮教授。研究方向:水彩画。
Products of security inspecting of China Institute of Atomic Energy(CIAE)have been applied to many major sports events,such as Olympics hold at Beijing in 2008
X-ray bursts[1]are probably an important source for the production of proton-rich nuclei via the high temperature rp-process[2],and the 14 O(α,p)17F reaction i