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30年前,借着十一届三中全会的东风,中国电影人解放思想,大胆创新,迅速创造了新中国电影的又一个高潮,并且把这个辉煌保持了将近10年。进入90年代,在商品大潮的冲击下,电影行业进入低潮,但是中国电影人没有气馁,他们以高昂的热情、坚定的社会责任心,勇敢地面对改革的阵痛,终于走出了低谷,迎来了电影事业大发展大繁荣的新局面。为纪念改革开放30周年,我们在这个专辑中用10个话题来概述新时期电影行业所走过的光辉历程,谨以表达我们对于新时期中国电影深深的敬意。 Thirty years ago, with the east wind of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Chinese filmmakers emancipated their minds and boldly innovated and quickly created another climax of the new Chinese film. They kept this glory for nearly 10 years. Into the 90's, under the impact of the tide of goods, the film industry has come to a downturn, but Chinese filmmakers are not discouraged. With their high enthusiasm and firm social responsibility, they bravely face the pain of reform and finally come out of the trough to welcome Great development and prosperity of the film industry a new situation. In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the reform and opening up, on this album, we use 10 topics to outline the glorious history of the film industry in the new era and would like to express our deep respect for the Chinese film in the new era.
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