2000年2月29日上午9时30分,上海市公安局向新闻界正式通报:在1998年至1999年长达两年的时间里,连续作案达21起的出租车司机利用出租车作掩护,大肆抢劫单身晚归的女青年钱财的系列抢劫大案,经过警方无数个日夜的艰苦鏖战,日前告破。 劫案频频发生 现在,不妨让我们暂时把时空倒转到1998年10月26日凌晨1时,这天是星期一。地点,仙霞路。这是一条座落在上海西区,毗邻著名的虹桥开发区的马路。随着夜幕的降临,这条路上依然是车水马龙、灯红酒绿。可是,谁又能知道,这时,一双罪恶的眼睛正虎视眈眈地盯住了晚归的单身女子。此刻,年轻的小姐丽洁下班后,正步履匆匆地行走在回家的路上。
At 9:30 am on February 29, 2000, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau formally informed the press that during the two-year period from 1998 to 1999, taxi drivers, who committed a continuous number of 21 acts, used taxis as cover , A series of mass looting robbery single woman young money late robbery big case, after countless day and night the police fierce battle, recently reported. Frequent robberies happen Now let’s turn back time and space temporarily to 1:00 am on October 26, 1998, which is Monday. Location, Xian Xia Road. This is a road located in the west of Shanghai, adjacent to the famous Hongqiao Development Zone. With the advent of the night, this road is still busy, bright red. However, who can know, at this time, a pair of evil eyes are eyeing a glimpse of late singles woman. At this moment, the young lady Li Jie is hurriedly walking on her way home after get off work.