根据美国加州大学欧文分校(UC Irvine)与美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的冰河学家最新发表的研究,格陵兰岛的冰原对由气候变化导致的温暖海水的脆弱性远比预想的更为严重。研究显示,在格陵兰大冰原下,潜藏着之前未知的延伸数十英里的深谷,而这些深谷连接了海洋,当亚热带大西洋海水冲击这些冰原的
According to a recent study by glaciers at UC Irvine and NASA, the ice sheet of Greenland is far more vulnerable to warming seawater caused by climate change than expected . Studies show that beneath the Greenland’s ice sheet, lurking in previously unknown deep valleys that extend tens of miles deep, these deep valleys connect to the ocean, and when subtropical Atlantic waters hit these ice sheets