一、概述 锗晶体管从一九四八年美国贝尔实验室研制出来以后,发展极为迅速,但近年已趋饱和,目前稍有下降的趋势。例如日本72年为514百万只,73年540百万只,74年435百万只。 锗管产量下降原因有三方面,1.锗管本身在特性上低劣于硅管,2.锗材料来源较少,资本主义国家主要限于南非和刚果,3.合金法工艺不利于自动化生产。不但如此,近年来锗管研究近于停顿,文章和报告都很少。 但是锗晶体管似有某些优点,特别在低频、中小功率器件等方面,硅管仍然不能全部取代锗晶体管。
I. Overview Germanium transistor developed from the Bell Labs in 1948 in the United States, the development of extremely rapid, but in recent years has become saturated, the current slight downward trend. For example, Japan has 514 million in 72 years, 540 million in 73 years and 435 million in 74 years. There are three reasons for the decline in the production of germanium tubes: 1. The germanium tube itself is inferior in quality to the silicon tube; 2. The source of the germanium material is less; the capitalist countries are mainly limited to South Africa and the Congo; 3. The alloy process is not conducive to automated production. Not only that, in recent years, germanium tube research is almost stopped, articles and reports are few. But the germanium transistor seems to have some advantages, especially in the low-frequency, small and medium-power devices, etc., silicon tube still can not completely replace the germanium transistor.