A novel loss compensation technique analysis and design for 60 GHz CMOS SPDT switch

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:web53dns
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A novel loss compensation technique for a series-shunt single-pole double-throw(SPDT) switch is presented operating in the 60 GHz. The feed-forward compensation network which is composed of an NMOS, a couple capacitance and a shunt inductance can reduce the impact of the feed forward capacitance to reduce the insertion loss and improve the isolation of the SPDT switch. The measured insertion loss and isolation characteristics of the switch somewhat deviating from the 60 GHz are analyzed revealing that the inaccuracy of the MOS model can greatly degrade the performance of the switch. The switch is implemented in TSMC 90-nm CMOS process and exhibits an isolation of above 27 d B at transmitter mode, and the insertion loss of 1.8–3 d B at 30–65 GHz by layout simulation. The measured insertion loss is 2.45 d B at 52 GHz and keeps < 4 d B at 30–64 GHz. The measured isolation is better than 25 d B at 30–64 GHz and the measured return loss is better than 10 d B at 30–65 GHz. A measured input 1 d B gain compression point of the switch is 13 d Bm at 52 GHz and 15 d Bm at 60 GHz. The simulated switching speed with rise time and fall time are 720 and 520 ps, respectively. The active chip size of the proposed switch is 0.5 0.95 mm~2. A novel loss compensation technique for a series-shunt single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switch is presented operating in the 60 GHz. The feed-forward compensation network which is composed of an NMOS, a couple capacitance and a shunt inductance can reduce the impact of the feed forward capacitance to reduce the insertion loss and improve the isolation of the SPDT switch. The measured insertion loss and isolation characteristics of the switch somewhat deviating from the 60 GHz are analyzed revealing the the inaccuracy of the MOS model can greatly degrade The performance of the switch. The switch is implemented in TSMC 90-nm CMOS process and exhibits an isolation of 27 d B at transmitter mode, and the insertion loss of 1.8-3 d B at 30-65 GHz by layout simulation. measured insertion loss is 2.45 d B at 52 GHz and keeps <4 d B at 30-64 GHz. The measured isolation is better than 25 d B at 30-64 GHz and the measured return loss is better than 10 d B at 30- 65 GHz. A measur ed input 1 d B gain compression point of the switch is 13 d Bm at 52 GHz and 15 d Bm at 60 GHz. The simulated switching speed with rise time and fall time are 720 and 520 ps, ​​respectively. The active chip size of the proposed switch is 0.5 0.95 mm ~ 2.
刘半农说,“打”是意义最含混的“混蛋字”。话粗理不糙,说起这个字,它实在是不着边际,不只是打倒的打、击打的打,还可以与不同的字词组合,表达多种多样的动态意思,是汉字中内涵最丰富的动词之一。  然而,“打”字并不是个历史久远的字,甲骨文、金文中没有它,春秋战国时期的竹简、帛书文字中也未见过它,甚至在汉代碑刻中也未发现它。清初黄生在Ⅸ字诂》中认为,“六朝已前固无用打字者”。然而,《四库全书总目提要》编
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