
来源 :招生考试通讯(高考版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jitlin
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英语学科的特殊性决定其内容纷繁复杂,而高三任务比较重,每天都有做不完的题,万变不离其宗,只要从每种类型的题中选取经典试题彻底搞懂然后举一反三就好。错题本是自身错误的系统总汇,能改变考生对错误的态度。因此,建立错题本是一种能够提高学习效率、提升学习质量、夯实学习基础、取得优秀成绩的重要手段。很多同学并没有引起重视,其实是对错题本的理解有误区,它应该包括:错题、容易出错的题、难点的题、典型题等,应该是对知识的梳理,是重点尤其是难点、精点的集合。考前应着重针对错题本上的题目查缺补漏,抓住薄弱环节就抓住了复习重点,就可以让学习重点更突出,复习更有针对性,学习更有效率,成绩提高更快。 The particularity of the English subject determines its content is complicated, and the task of the third year is relatively heavy, every day endless problems, the same, as long as the selection of each type of questions from the classic questions thoroughly understand and then give as one likes . The wrong title of the system is its own wrong summary, can change the attitude of the wrong candidates. Therefore, the establishment of the wrong title is an important means to improve the efficiency of learning, improve the quality of learning, lay a solid foundation for learning, and achieved outstanding results. Many students did not pay attention, in fact, wrong understanding of the wrong title, it should include: the wrong title, error-prone questions, difficult questions, typical questions, etc., should be the sort of knowledge, is the key, especially difficult , A collection of fine points. The exam should be focused on the wrong title of the problem of missing trapping, grasp the weak link to seize the focus of the review, you can make learning more focused, review more targeted, learning more efficient, improve the score faster.
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摘 要:虽然课外阅读在《高中语文新课标》中有明确规定,但是黔南民族地区高中生的语文课外阅读现状并不乐观。本文针对黔南民族地区高中学生语文课外阅读现状,结合高中生的年龄和心理特点,提出了课外阅读指导攻略,以切实提高黔南民族地区高中学生的语文素养。  关键词:民族地区;课外阅读;指导攻略  《高中语文新课标》明确规定:“高中生必须具有广泛多样的阅读兴趣,努力扩大自己的阅读视野。学会正确、自主地选择阅读
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