2014年,我们一起见证了数据科学(data science)在全球范围内的迅猛勃兴,而中国,毫无例外地参与了这场盛会。数据科学是大数据时代里,面对波涛汹涌、排山倒海而来的海量数据,通过超高速计算,对人事时地物甚至隐含概念进行探索挖掘、特征识别、和统计分析的科学,这种科学曾经是极少数武功高强科学家的专利,但是由于世界上还存在一些为数更少但能明察秋毫洞烛未来的资本家,他们很快就
In 2014, we witnessed the worldwide boom in data science, and China, without exception, participated in the event. Data science is the science in the era of big data in the face of massive data from stormy mountains and mountains, ultra-high-speed computing, explorations, feature recognition, and statistical analysis of human-temporal objects and even implicit concepts Is a very small number of martial arts scientists patented, but because there are still a few in the world but can understand the future of capitalists, they quickly