
来源 :蚌埠医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yhqtongxue
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目的 :观察米索前列醇用于剖宫产术中、术后减少出血的效果。方法 :选择 10 0例剖宫产者 ,随机分为米索前列醇组(米索组 ) 5 2例 ,缩宫素组 48例。米索组于术中切开子宫膀胱反折腹膜时及手术结束后于阴道后穹窿分别放置米索 2 0 0 μg。催产素组于胎儿娩出后 ,子宫体肌层注射缩宫素 2 0u。观察两组术中及术后 2 4h内阴道出血量及产后出血例数、2 4h后红色恶露持续时间。结果 :产后出血例数、术中及术后 2 4h出血量、红色恶露时间、米索组较缩宫素组明显减少 (P <0 .0 5~P <0 .0 0 1)。结论 :米索用于剖宫产可增加子宫收缩 ,减少产后出血量。 Objective: To observe the effect of misoprostol on cesarean section and postoperative bleeding reduction. Methods: One hundred and ten cases of cesarean section were randomly divided into misoprostol group (misoprostol group) 52 cases and oxytocin group 48 cases. In the misoprostol group, intraperitoneal cleavage of the peritoneal bladder was performed, and 200 μg of misoprostol was placed in the posterior fornix at the end of the operation. Oxytocin group in the fetus after delivery, uterine myometrial injection of oxytocin 20u. The intraoperative and postoperative 24 hours of vaginal bleeding and postpartum hemorrhage were observed, and the duration of red lochia after 24 hours. Results: The number of postpartum hemorrhage, intraoperative and postoperative 24 h blood loss, red lochia time and misoprostol group were significantly decreased compared with oxytocin group (P <0.05 ~ P <0.01). Conclusion: Misoprostol can increase uterine contractions and reduce the amount of postpartum hemorrhage.
198 7~ 1994年我院收治 5例出血性输卵管炎患者 ,因对本病认识不够 ,误诊为宫外孕行剖腹探查术 ,致使一些症状轻、经保守治疗即可治愈的患者受到不必要的手术创伤。为吸取教训
节育环穿通膀胱 ,临床较罕见 ,现将我院收治的 1例报告如下 :患者 ,女 ,36岁 ,因发现尿道口有一线尾 ,于 1999年元月2 0日入院。该患者于 1995年放置母体乐内宫内节育环 ,手
患者 ,女 ,34岁 ,住院号 0 42 71。因停经 4月 ,腹痛 2 +天于 2 0 0 0年 3月 2 5日急诊入院。末次月经 1999年 11月 2 5日。停 30 +天到当地医院妇产科检查 ,诊断为“早孕”
我院于 1990年 1月~ 1998年 12月 ,应用酚妥拉明治疗临产前后中、重度妊高征 10 2例 ,疗效显著 ,报告如下。1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料 本组 2 11例 ,其中中度 141例 ,重度
In this paper we carry out a theoretical analysis based on the general one-dimensional morphodynamic model for rivers in order to show how the morphological equ
Porous polymer beads(PPBs) containing hierarchical bimodal pore structure with gigapores and meso-macropores were prepared by polymerization-induced phase separ
本文从所在国家劳动力政策、用人机制和项目团队建设等方面对A分析我国石油企业的本土化用工策略问题,并提出了相应的措施与对策。 This paper analyzes the strategy of lo