1 选择对路品种。良种是增产的第一因素。但是,不同的品种对种植方式、气候、土壤、土质的要求也各不相同,在甲地表现优良的品种,在乙地的表现不一定优良。现在,有些农民购种时只认价格高的,错误的认为价高,种子就好,就一定能高产。孰不知,忽视了客观条件,将会适得其反。因此,购买种子时,应首先选择与种植方式相适应的适宜当地种植的对路品种。
1 Choose the right breed. Variety is the first factor to increase production. However, different varieties have different requirements for planting methods, climate, soil and soil quality, and varieties that perform well in the A area may not perform well in the B area. At present, some peasants only recognize the high price when they buy the seeds, the wrong ones think that the price is high, the seeds are good and they will surely produce high yields. Everyone knows, ignoring the objective conditions, will be counterproductive. Therefore, the purchase of seeds, you should first choose and planting methods suitable for the local planting on the road species.