夯实统计基础 确保数据质量

来源 :青海统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hudaye1234
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“十一五”以来,在地委、行署的正确领导和省局的关怀支持下,海东地区的统计事业得到了长足发展。在工作中,我局紧紧围绕地委、行署的中心工作,夯实统计基础,提高统计数据质量,不断满足社会公众对统计数据的需求,提升统计为党政领导科学决策的服务水平,提供优质服务,提高统计队 Since the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, thanks to the correct leadership of the prefectural and administrative commissions and the care and support of the provincial authorities, statistical work in Haidong has seen tremendous growth. At work, our bureau closely centers on the work of the prefectural and administrative departments, consolidates the basis of statistics and improves the quality of statistical data, and continuously meets the needs of the general public for statistical data. It also improves the service level of scientific decision-making for the leadership of the party and government, and provides high quality Service, improve statistics team
The reaction of [Et4N]2[Mo2(SC6H11)2(CO)8] and I2 in MeCN affords a new dinu- clear molybdenum(I) complex [Mo2(SC6H11)2(CO)6(CH3CN)2] 1 (Mr = 672.46). The crys
【正】 The ways as how to produce biological fuels have attracted increasing attentionworldwide. They include using biomass to produce liquid fuels like fuel et
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Diphenyl-2, 2-dicyanoethylene reacts with 10-methyl-9, 10-dihydroacridine in deaerated acetonitrile under irradiation with l>320 nm to give the coupling product
德国诗人荷尔德林说:“人,诗意地栖居在大地上。”我想说,师生应该诗意地栖居在课堂上。有句对语文课堂最高赞美的话——“就像一首诗”。  一、底蕴——腹有诗书气自华  建构诗意的课堂,首先教师要努力培养自身的诗意。教师不仅要有广博的知识,还要有敏捷的思考能力和良好的语言素养。教师的教学语言不同于普通语言,它是儿童化的、形象化的、韵律和谐而又优美动听、充满感情的语言。教师只有充分运用这种审美化、情感化的
各位代表、同志们: 今天我们西北五省区及新疆生产建设兵团学会的同志们欢聚一堂,在高原古城西宁共商西北统计学会工作大计,探讨统计学会工作的发展思路。刚才我在大会上的