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为了探讨木薯加工废弃物堆肥化中氰化物的降解速度和快速处理效果,将木薯皮、木薯渣与猪粪混合制作堆肥,通过发酵过程中温度、pH、氰化物、纤维素、半纤维素、木质素及碳氮比等的测定,评价了堆肥化过程对氰化物无害化处理的效果及堆肥的腐熟进程.结果表明,氰化物含量迅速降低,30 d后达到2.08 mg/kg,分解率达到94.16%,符合食品安全标准.堆制材料中淀粉、纤维素、半纤维素等主要含碳成分及氰化物在15 d内分解,分解率达80%以上,基本趋于稳定.经过30 d的堆肥化过程,堆体温度也回落至常温,趋于稳定,pH一直稳定在7.2.堆体中碳氮比(C/N)、硝态氮(NO-3-N)、铵态氮(NH+4-N)等腐熟度判定指标数据也表明,木薯加工废弃物经过15 d的堆肥化过程,堆体内各种理化性质稳定,在发酵结束时,C/N为17.55,硝态氮和铵态氮的含量分别达到了2.5 g/kg和10 mg/kg,NO-3-N/NH+4-N的比值为250,全部达到腐熟标准.证明木薯加工废弃物经30d堆肥化处理可达到稳定安全状态. In order to investigate the degradation rate and rapid treatment effect of cyanide in the compost of cassava processing waste, the compost was made by mixing cassava skin, cassava residue and pig manure. The fermentation temperature, pH, cyanide, cellulose, hemicellulose, Lignin and carbon to nitrogen ratio, and evaluated the effect of composting process on the harmless cyanide treatment and compost maturation process.The results showed that the cyanide content decreased rapidly and reached 2.08 mg / kg after 30 d, the decomposition rate Reached 94.16%, in line with food safety standards.Copper materials, starch, cellulose, hemicellulose and other major carbon content and cyanide decomposition within 15 d, the decomposition rate of more than 80%, basically stabilized.After 30 d The temperature of the reactor also fell back to normal temperature and stabilized at pH 7.2. The ratio of C / N, NO-3-N and NH 4 + NH + 4-N) and other maturity index data also showed that the cassava processing waste after 15 d of composting process, the physical and chemical properties of the reactor body is stable at the end of the fermentation, C / N was 17.55, nitrate nitrogen and The content of ammonium nitrogen reached 2.5 g / kg and 10 mg / kg respectively, and the ratio of NO-3-N / NH + 4-N was 250 To maturity standard. 30d prove cassava processing wastes by composting can achieve stable and secure state.
这是一篇好看又好玩的文字,作家梦儿是风趣、幽默、机智的,她把小学生感兴趣又津津乐道的话题,巧妙地融合在了一篇校园小说之中…… This is a good and fun text, writer d
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