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近期,中国股市开始显出活力,深、沪股市大幅上扬。随着股市的上涨,银行的存、贷款利率又再度下调。在这一涨一跌之中,股市开始为更多的百姓所关注,记者在采访一些已入股市的同志时,发现他们在股市运作中,有许多戒律。综合业内人士的说法,则是百姓进股市要有八戒。 一戒盲目购股 股市一旦活跃,往往会引得一些百姓涉足股市。百姓涉足股市总爱选在活跃期,甚至于高涨期,往往不是一种成熟投资心态的表现。而这种并不成熟的心态,表现在对股票知识的缺乏,对股票购买缺乏辨识能力,属于一种在股市上涨鼓噪之下的盲动。这些人在购买股票时,并没有自己选择股票的技巧,大都是通过三个途径去选购股票:一是通过新闻单位的荐股,二是听从专业人士的分析,三是直入股市看哪种股票涨得多。然后,不加分析地买荐股,购涨股。没有自己的主张盲 Recently, the Chinese stock market began to show vitality, deep, Shanghai stock market rose sharply. With the rise of the stock market, the deposit and lending rates of banks have again dropped. During this ups and downs, the stock market began to pay more attention to more people. When interviewed by some comrades who have joined the stock market, the reporters found that they had many precepts in the operation of the stock market. Into the views of industry insiders, it is the people into the stock market should have Jurisprudence. A blind buy stock market once active, often lead some people involved in the stock market. People involved in the stock market always love election in the active period, and even rising period, often not a manifestation of a mature investment mentality. And this immature mentality, manifested in the lack of stock knowledge, lack of ability to identify the stock purchase, belonging to a kind of blind call in the stock market under the blind move. These people do not have the skills to choose their own stocks when buying stocks. Mostly, they buy stocks through three channels: one is through the news stocks, the other is to follow the analysis of professionals, and the other is to look into the stock market The stock has risen much. Then, without analyzing buy stocks, buy stocks. Without your own opinion blind
介绍了AT89C52单片机的特性,以及跨越2000年的时钟芯片DS12887和字符型液晶显示模块HD44780的应用,叙述了通风机监视仪的硬件和软件设计,实践证明该仪器的可行性。 This pap
寒潮来袭,降温后的苏州越发的寒冷。1月1日开始实施的《城镇企业职工基本养老保险关系转移接续暂行办法》,无疑给在姑苏城内打工的外来务工人员送上了一股暖流。 Cold struc