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在人生的旅途中,每个人都有无数个第一次。有时无碍大体,有时却决定方向;有时成功完美,有时却丢盔弃甲。广告是个不易的行业,尽管在这个舞台上折腾了四年多,但至今仍感每战皆艰。然而我恰恰在第一次做广告业务时,却做出了一个成功的案例。公司于1993年12月开始。虽然当时尚未拿到营业执照,处于试营业阶段,但既然招了兵买了马且安扎营寨了,便决定主动出击。(守株待兔,直觉告诉我绝非明智之举。)于是打点行当,带上业务员小金出发了,目标是皖北某酒厂。路上,依我从事新闻工作数年的经验,并与小金商量,决定了与对方接洽 In the journey of life, everyone has countless first time. Sometimes it does not hinder the general, and sometimes it determines the direction; sometimes it is perfect and sometimes it is disguised. Advertising is a difficult industry. Although it took more than four years on this stage, it still feels difficult every battle. However, I just made a successful case when I first started advertising. The company started in December 1993. Although he had not obtained a business license at the time and was in the trial operation stage, he decided to take the initiative since he recruited soldiers to buy horses and went to the Anza camp. (Study to wait and see, intuition told me that it is not a wise move.) So do some business, take the salesperson Xiaojin set off, the goal is a winery in northern Anhui. On the way, based on my experience in journalism for several years, and consulting with Xiao Jin, I decided to contact the other party.
将电脑小票用于发布广告,商家乐意,厂家欢喜,一个新的广告载体便由此诞生 The computer ticket is used to publish advertisements. Merchants are happy and the manufact
修饰某一名词或代词充当其定语的句子叫定语从句。在中考中对它的考查常集中在以下几点:一、考查who引导的定语从句 A sentence that modifies a noun or pronoun as its at
人说张之所以频频在国外拿奖,是因为迎合了某些西方人不怀好意的企望。而张说,他之所以获奖正是因为他不迎合任何人。同样的思路,是否可以问:广告人为什么二败戛纳? The rea
1997年12月份以来,由于天气逐渐变冷,对日运销鲜鱼的价格明显升高,效益可观。 以每尾2公斤左右的鲅鱼为例,为11月份每公斤不足一百元的价格相比,12月份的拍卖价格有明显提高
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在电视传媒十分发达的今天,电视广告成为人们不得不接受的一道风景线。看得多了,常常和这群“朋友”见面,便觉得这些“朋友”的面目有些近似 In today’s highly developed