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我国有丰富的中药及中药复方资源,1995年普查结果确认,我国有中药资源12807种,其中药用植物11146种,药用动物581种,药用矿物80种。中药复方的临床应用已有2000余年的历史,仅《中药方剂大辞典》记载的中药复方即超过10万余首,可以说囊括了临床各科的治疗方药。据有关统计,中药复方研究涉及的方剂1999年已超过700个,发表学术论文达1500多篇。如何使传统中医几千年的经验积累在人类健康事业中创造辉煌,这是一个艰巨浩繁的工程,需要多 China has abundant traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine compound resources. The results of the 1995 census confirmed that there are 12,807 kinds of Chinese medicine resources in China, including 11,146 kinds of medicinal plants, 581 kinds of medicinal animals, and 80 kinds of medicinal minerals. The clinical application of traditional Chinese medicine compound has been more than 2,000 years old. Only the traditional Chinese medicine compound recorded in the “Chinese Herbal Formula Dictionary” is more than 100,000, and it can be said that it includes the treatment medicine of various clinical departments. According to relevant statistics, the formulas involved in the study of traditional Chinese medicine compound prescriptions have exceeded 700 in 1999, and more than 1,500 academic papers have been published. How to make the experience of traditional Chinese medicine accumulated over thousands of years in the cause of human health create brilliant, this is a difficult and voluminous project, needs more
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1996年一类农村地区居民主要疾病的死亡率、调整率、构成比和位次 Mortality, Adjustment Rate, Composition Ratio and Rank of Main Diseases of a Class of Rural Reside
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