澄清模糊认识 加强队伍建设

来源 :中国司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jendychan
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关于建设高素质领导干部队伍,党的十六大报告称之为“党和国家长治久安的根本大计”。当前,建设高素质司法行政干部队伍,不仅是十六大报告的具体贯彻落实,也是启动新一轮司法行政工作改革、创新与发展的“根本大计”。然而,对践行这一“根本大计”,有些司法行政干部在行动上不够自觉,思想上还有模糊认识,因此有必要加以澄清。 With regard to building a contingent of leading cadres of high quality, the report of the 16th National Congress of the CPC has been called “the fundamental plan for long-term peace and order of the party and the state.” At present, building a cadre of high-quality judicial administrative cadres is not only the concrete implementation of the report of the 16th CPC National Congress, but also the “grand plan for starting a new round of reform, innovation and development of judicial and administrative work.” However, for practicing this “fundamental plan,” some judicial administrative cadres are not conscious of their actions and are still vague in their thinking. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify this.
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曾因涉嫌犯诈骗和行贿两罪,被检察院先后错误羁押1677天,最终无罪释放而获得10万元国家赔偿款的六旬 Once suspected of committing fraud and bribery two crimes, the Pro
以学校教育全面转向素质教育为出发点 ,对学校课外体育活动进行全面分析 ,重新审视课外体育活动在培养未来人才中的作用 With a view to fully transforming school educati
[摘要]城市文化是城市的灵魂,是一个涉及城市能否高效发展与可持续发展的极其重要的问题。一个城市所倡导的城市文化包括城市精神、经营哲学、管理理念、城市道德、城市风貌等。因此,必须采取综合措施加强中原城市群文化建设。  [关键词]中原城市群; 城市文化; 建设  [中图分类号]G127 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1007-1962(2009)16-0032-02    城市文化是城市的灵魂。一