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2011年江苏率先实行注册入学,以20余所民办高职为试点,部分公办高职部分专业参与;近年江苏高招面临本省生源逐年降低,院校重复建设过多,同质化竞争加剧等矛盾;新政的推行是录取方式的改革,也是入学观念的变革;参与注册入学的院校基本取消了入学门槛,社会和考生更多的考察该批次院校的求学成本和就读回报,颠覆了考生和学校传统的选择和被选择的地位;江苏省20余所民办高职普遍具有:办学历史不长、办学层次偏低、学校规模偏小、专业开设雷同、社会影响不大等特点,并且在整个录取过程中属于弱势批次;20余所民办高职的生存压力客观存在,降低求学成本、增加宣传投入、提高招生服务水平、开办特色专业、拓宽升学途径、提升就业水平等各种方法和做法竞相登台;文章对省内20余所院校2011年至2013年的招生状态比较分析,归纳出在注册入学形势下学校办学的发展趋势,为学校提供办学方向参考,为考生提供求学方向指导。 In 2011, Jiangsu took the lead in implementing enrollment, taking more than 20 private higher vocational schools as pilots and some of the public higher vocational colleges as part of their professional participation. In recent years, Jiangsu Highschool faces the contradiction that the birthplace of the province is decreasing year by year, the redundant construction of colleges and universities, and the homogenization of competition intensify. The implementation of the New Deal is a reform of the admission system, but also the concept of admission changes; participate in the enrollment of colleges and universities basically abolished the entry threshold, the community and candidates to study more of the batch of institutions to study costs and enrollment returns, subvert the candidates and The traditional choice of schools and the status of being selected; more than 20 private higher vocational schools in Jiangsu Province generally have the characteristics of a long history of running a school, a low level of running a school, a small school scale, the same professional establishment and a low social impact, Admission process is a vulnerable batch; more than 20 private higher vocational survival pressures exist objectively, reduce the cost of study, increase publicity and investment, improve the level of enrollment services, offering specialty, to broaden the way to further enhance the employment level and other methods and practices Competing on the stage; article on the province more than 20 colleges and universities from 2011 to 2013 comparative analysis of enrollment status, summed up in the enrollment situation under the school The development trend of school-running, providing school direction for the school to provide guidance for the candidates to provide direction.
(一)问题的提出 我们在工作和实地调查中发现:一些设计方案合理,设计技术经济指标并不先进的矿山,实际生产时往往达不到设计指标;一些生产矿山产量达不到设计规模,职工人数