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萝卜蝇的幼虫就是地蛆。它是危害白菜、萝卜等十字花科蔬菜的主要害虫。萝卜蝇在我省一年发生一代,8月中旬成虫开始出现,发生盛期为8月下旬~9月上旬。幼虫危害期为9月上旬~10月末。生产中多在成虫发生期和幼虫危害期进行防治。杀灭萝卜蝇成虫应事先进行虫情预测预报,从8月中旬~10月上旬,选具有代表性地块1~2块,每块地设1~2个诱蝇器(大碗或小盆均可),上面设盖。诱剂的配方是:1份糖、1份醋、2.5份水, Larvae of radish flies are maggots. It is harmful to cabbage, radish and other cruciferous vegetables, the main pests. Radish flies occurred in our province a year, in mid-August adult began to occur, the peak occurs from late August to early September. Larvae damage period early September to late October. Production and more in the adult period and larvae damage prevention and treatment. Adult adults to kill radish fly insect forecast should be conducted in advance, from mid-August to early October, choose a representative plots 1 to 2, each set up 1 to 2 fly trap (bowl or small basin Can be), set up cover. The recipe for lure is: 1 part sugar, 1 part vinegar, 2.5 parts water,
乌鸦在延边地区是柞蚕茧生产上的大敌,在壮蚕期~茧期,乌鸦整天盘旋于蚕场周围,盗食蚕及茧(蛹)。其为害损失率一般20%,重者达50%以上;它对玉米、梨、红松幼苗的危害很大。 延边
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国发[1982]88号各省、市、自治区人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:现将《中华人民共和国进出口动植物检疫条例》发给你们,望遵照执行。 Guofa [1982] No. 88 People’s g
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