关于王爽老师的好,我们只想讲一件事。因为对于我们来说,这件事是具有人生转折意义的。‘今天的早操要求大家围绕操场跑圈,要把军训的水平发挥出来。跑完后,体委正步带到这里。“王爽老师刻意顿了顿,接着说,”如果你们想拥有一份惊喜。Do what I say!“(照我说的话去做)。同学们你看看我,我看看你,兴致一下子提升起来了,跑得格外认真。再次集合时,每个人的额头已经沁着汗珠,青春的面庞在朝阳的映衬下格外生动,三十五双目光热切地注视着王老师。调整了一下呼吸,她动情地对大家说:”刚刚过去的一年,同学们经历了中考,有成功的喜悦,有失败的泪水,再过十几小时,它将随着历史的车轮成为永久的记忆!我们每个人都在操场上画了一个圆满的句号,算是‘辞旧’。面对新年,我们昂首阔步、充满希望地走进
Regarding Wang Shuang’s teacher, we just want to say one thing. Because for us, this matter has a turning point in life. ‘Today’s morning exercise requires everyone to circulate around the playground and to bring out the level of military training. After the run, the Sports Commission is taking it here. “Wang Shuang’s teacher paused and he said,” If you want to have a surprise. Do what I say!"(Do as I say). Classmates look at me, I look at you, Happily uplifted, and went extra meticulously. When you gather again, everyone’s forehead is gone. Beading, the youthful face is particularly vivid against the backdrop of Chaoyang, and thirty-five eyes are eagerly watching Wang. Adjusting her breath, she eagerly says to everyone: “In the past year, my classmates have experienced In the middle school exam, there was joy in success, tears in failure, and in ten hours, it would become a permanent memory with the wheels of history! Each of us drew a complete period on the playground and was considered as “departing from the old”. . In the face of the New Year, we walked eagerly and hopefully.