
来源 :中国高校社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lqylzy
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在历史唯物主义的公共性维度上,哲学社会科学的现实关切和社会功能,决定了它作为理论形态公共意识的本质。人的公共存在以社会共同体成员的形式表现出来。建构民族国家共同体,需要哲学社会科学以公共文化的形式凝聚合力,促进社会真实共同体及其公共性的发展。构建人类命运共同体,需要哲学社会科学探索超越单纯资本逻辑的全球化模式,总结中国特色社会主义现代化具有普遍意义的经验,为世界各国发展提供借鉴。当代中国哲学社会科学应立足其公共意识本性,在促进社会公共性建设中实现自身繁荣发展。 In the public dimension of historical materialism, the realistic concerns and social functions of philosophy and social science determine the essence of public consciousness as its theoretical form. The public existence of man is manifested in the form of members of social community. Constructing a community of nation-states requires that philosophy and social sciences unite in oneness in the form of public culture and promote the development of a true community of society and its public nature. To construct a community of human destinies requires the philosophy and social sciences to explore a globalization model that goes beyond purely capitalist logic and to summarize the universal experience of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics so as to provide reference for the development of all countries in the world. Contemporary Chinese philosophy and social sciences should be based on the nature of their public awareness and realize their own prosperity and development in promoting the building of social publicity.
<正> 一、概况第四届全运会足球比赛于1979年5月1日至16日在沈阳、南昌、太原、昆明进行了分区预赛。各赛区前三名辽宁、湖北、湖南、上海、北京、安徽、山东、山西、陕西、
<正> To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against
本文主要研究调整主元素Si含量、添加微量的Mg及变质剂Sr, Ce对4043铝合金焊丝修复性能的影响,通过对焊接显微组织、力学性能及焊后堆焊层耐磨性的研究确定最佳焊丝成分,并通
金银三角平板状纳米颗粒,具有尖锐的三角形平板状结构,表面等离子体共振峰在可见光-近红外波段可调,还具有较很强的局域场增强效应等优势,可用作光学相干层析成像(Optical Co