【摘 要】
In addition to implying uncertainty, “complicated” means knowing what the problem is, but not a perfect solution. In the Hollywood blockbuster Speed of Life, a bus was installed by a terrorist bomb, the speed of more than 50 miles after the explosion program automatically starts, as long as the speed dropped back to 50 miles below, the bomb will explode. It seems that China’s economy faces a similar problem. Over the years, an 8% GDP growth rate is considered as a dangerous lower limit. It seems that once the economy falls below this rate, the Chinese economy will have a big problem. Fortunately, in the past ten years, the annual growth rate of China’s economy has been at 9%
【世界核新闻网站2015年9月22日报道】普华永道会计师事务所(Pw C)近期应西班牙核工业论坛(Foro Nuclear)的要求对西核工业的社会-经济影响进行了研究,并发布了一份研究报告
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Understanding the properties of nuclei inside “island of inversion” is still an interesting issue. Based on a simple Nilsson model with a new set of isospin-d
【世界核新闻网站2015年6月16日报道】韩国水电核电公司(KHNP)近日宣布,韩国役龄最长的核电机组即古里1号机组将于2017年关闭。古里1号机组是一台1978年投运的576 MWe压水堆