又是一年将过去。到了做父母的年纪,人就会理解“日月如梭”这四个字的意义。忽然就觉得先人们之所以要将时间分成一年一年的,可能就是为了让我们不要让日子随着惯性走下去。如果没有了这一年一年之分,我们可能就会少了很多感悟一些什么的机会。这一年年的开始与结束,就是为了让我们意识时光的流逝,让我们有机会想想过去,在行走的时候,不忘记反省自己。虽然明年还会有同今年一样的一个轮回,但是那应该是不同的。 这也就像我们这期的话题。父母是孩子的榜样,说了多少年,用多少类似的语言表达过,例如“孩子是父母的影子”、“父母是孩子的第一任老师”等等,但是因为说得多,您是不是反而没有认真去想它的意义。所以就像年终的来临一样,我们觉得还是有必要把这种话题再说一遍。
Another year will pass. At the age of parents, one understands the meaning of the four words “Sun, moon and Moon”. Suddenly think the reason why the first people to divide the time into year, probably is to let us not let the days go with the inertia. Without this year a year, we may be less of a chance to seduce something. The beginning and end of this year are meant to make us aware of the passage of time and give us a chance to think of the past and not forget to reflect on ourselves while walking. Although next year will be the same as this one of the reincarnation, but that should be different. It is also like the topic of our current issue. Parents are children’s role models, how many years they have spoken, and in similar words, such as “children are the parents’ shadow” and “parents are the children’s first teachers”, etc., but because you said so much, are you not Instead, seriously think about what it means. So just like year-end approaching, we think it is necessary to repeat this topic again.