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如果您是个起级大富豪喜欢骑车又喜欢玩游艇,那么这个组合绝对符合您的胃口,德国定制机车制造商House of Thunder,把男人的玩具推向一个全新的境界,打造了世界上最贵的chopper,要价1420万英磅,会有如此天价是因为它附了一艘由土耳其Sunrise Yachts制造8945m越洋游艇,
【正】 一、恢复与扩大森林资源的紧迫性 建国以来,我国共完成造林面积工5.9亿亩,其中保存面积仅有4亿多亩,造林保存率将近40%。全国森林面积“五五”时期比“四五”时期减少
Background: Coagulase negative Staphylococci (CoNS) are normal inhabitants of the skin and mucous membranes and thus have been dismissed for a long time as cult
Honda在2月18日宣布,将向泰国市场推出一款新式的产品:Wave-110i AT。Wave系列产品在东南亚地区享负盛名,在多个国家的总装线上都有生产,在国内,该车称之为“威武”。新的Wave-110
The aim of this study was to detect the expression of 4 clinically-important efflux pumps in the Resistance-Nodulation-Cell Division (RND) family including MexA
小飞侠罗西赢得了意大利摩托车运动杂志《Motosprint》举办的一年一度的Caschi D'oro(黄金头盔)大奖。2009年的大奖已经是第34届,每届的大奖都由读者投票产生,分为公路和越野两个
Chronic Lyme disease is predicated by an infection with Borrelia burgdorferi via tick vector. B. burgdorferi has been extensively researched with regard to its
Rates of urogenital mycoplasmosis associated with Mycoplasma genitalium, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, and Ureaplasma parvum have been reported nu
Campylobacter continues to be a major cause of bacteriamediated diarrheal diseases, both for Thai citizens and travelers to Thailand. For field epidemiological
Background: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most virulent gram positive bacteria. It produces a lot of toxins and enzymes, most of which are virulent factor