
来源 :中国科学(D辑:地球科学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mater
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塔里木盆地演化经历了多期构造运动,特别是晚加里东构造运动造成了志留系油藏的严重破坏.早期成藏规模及后期破坏烃量的大小是关系志留系油气勘探前景的关键问题.本文采用体积法,在确定志留系沥青砂岩有效厚度及原油演化为沥青的恢复系数后,计算了形成志留系沥青砂岩的古油藏破坏烃量(86.30×108t).有效沥青砂岩厚度主要采用岩心观察、物性测定、含油包裹体颗粒指数(GOI)及定量颗粒荧光(QGF)指数等方法,通过对沥青砂岩中的“黑砂”与“白砂”进行对比研究,得出“白砂”没有油气进入或进入的油气量很少;在大量志留系不同源原油、沥青物性资料分析的基础上,假定原油形成沥青过程中非烃和沥青质不变的原则,获得了原油形成沥青的恢复系数.计算结果更科学和接近实际,比前人计算结果量小,预示志留系具有更大的勘探前景. The evolution of the Tarim Basin has undergone multiple tectonic movements, especially during the Late Caledonian tectonic movement, which led to the serious destruction of Silurian reservoirs. The size of the early accumulation and the amount of destructed hydrocarbon in the later stages are the key issues that have to do with the prospect of the Silurian hydrocarbon exploration In this paper, the volumetric method was used to determine the amount of destructive hydrocarbon in the ancient reservoirs (86.30 × 108t) that formed the Silurian asphaltic sandstone after determining the effective thickness of the Silurian asphaltic sandstone and the recovery coefficient of crude oil to bitumen. The effective thickness of the asphaltic sandstone By comparing the “black sand” and “white sand” in the asphaltic sandstones, it is mainly through the methods of core observation, physical property determination, grain inclusion index (GOI) and quantitative particle fluorescence (QGF) On the basis of analyzing a large number of Silurian oil from different sources and physical properties of asphalt, it is assumed that the principle of non-hydrocarbon and asphaltene in the formation of asphalt from crude oil is the same, Obtained the recover coefficient of crude oil forming bitumen.The calculation results are more scientific and practical, which is smaller than the previous ones, which indicates that Silurian has a larger exploration prospect.
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先天性纯红再障是以骨髓红细胞系统增生极度低下,外周血网织红细胞低或缺如,而白细胞和血小板正常或接近正常为本病的主要特征,我院共收治12例,现报告如下: 1 一般资料 12例
无品牌、无营销,也不O2O,却能保持每天14个小时供不应求,每50秒卖一份枣糕,一卖就是7年。叔卖的不是枣糕,是方法论。  一个人,一个店和一条街  我叫陈立,来自河南的北漂,7年前开始在北京五道口卖枣糕。小店名叫“枣糕王”,每天排队的人排到吐血,成了五道口除全国闻名的中国人民银行研究生部之外,另一个重要地标。  用现在流行的话说,我也是个连续创业者,而且是个非典型的连续创业者——做过家电维修,跨
如果没有一个符合县情的总体发展战略,纵向会导致一任领导一个思路、缺乏连续性,横向会形成各自为战单兵突进、形不成合力 Without an overall development strategy that i