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珠海位于珠江三角洲的前缘,因毗邻港澳而占有很大的地缘、它拥有百多个岛屿、广大的海域和宽阔的海岸线,主要陆地面积比香港大1/3多,是新加坡的2.64倍。有广泛的海外人文关系;享有海运通商的便利;有发展仓储、海洋养殖、捕捞、旅游和工农业的良好条件。地方政府倾囊建造的高栏港、三灶机场和正在兴建的铁路、伶仃洋大桥,将使珠海拥有全方位的交通便利优势。一旦这些工程完成,珠海便占有了既可沟通中外,又可统领珠江三角洲甚至西南内陆的龙头地位;并因此由一个封闭性环境转变为可以大规模利用环境外资源的开放性区域,而珠海做为内地与港澳两地之间的政治、经济、文化交汇点,即使没有特区优惠政策,对内对外都仍然很有吸引力,这也对交通便利优势的发挥提供了可能,使珠海具备了发展成为大商埠的条件。 显然,珠海要想发展成为新的区域经济、文化中心,致力于交通优势的营造,无疑是正确的选择。 Zhuhai, located in the front of the Pearl River Delta, occupies a great geographical proximity to Hong Kong and Macao. It owns more than 100 islands, vast sea areas and wide coastlines. Its main land area is more than one third more than that of Hong Kong and 2.64 times that of Singapore. There is a wide range of overseas humanities; enjoy the convenience of maritime trade; good conditions for the development of warehousing, marine farming, fishing, tourism and agriculture and industry. The Gaolan Port, Sanzao Airport and the railway under construction and the Dingdingyang Bridge under construction by local governments will give Zhuhai a full range of convenient transportation advantages. Once these projects are completed, Zhuhai will take over the leading position in both the Pearl River Delta and even the Southwest China. This will change from a closed environment to an open area that can make extensive use of resources outside the environment, while Zhuhai As a political, economic and cultural point of exchange between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Maucao, it is still attractive both inside and outside even with no preferential policies for the SAR. This also provides the opportunity for the development of convenient transportation and makes Zhuhai equipped Develop into a big trading port conditions. Obviously, if Zhuhai wants to develop into a new regional economic and cultural center and dedicate itself to the construction of traffic advantages, it is undoubtedly the right choice.
应用喘立平栓剂治疗30例哮喘急性发作患者,有效率为66.7%,控显率50%。少数病例出现一过性面颊潮红、头昏和口干等副反应。 The application of asthma suppository treatmen
《足球俱乐部》1月A版和B版有奖竞答结果已揭晓,以下是成绩排名前十的名单,其他参与竞答的读者还可以登入http://bbs.klbty.com查询成绩。 “Football Club” January A ver
声音  23岁的拉奥尼奇虽然是个标准的90后,但是他在赛场上却常常表现出超越自己年龄的稳重,他也因此被视作网坛新势力的代表。然而在生活中,这个90后大男孩则有着自己活泼搞笑的一面,他热爱NBA、爱和朋友开玩笑也爱发推特,有时候甚至能一天三推,话题也是多种多样。以下就是他推特的近期精选:  看到我在《金装律师》(Suits)客串的那集很是兴奋,就是麦克·罗斯被打的那块儿。我真希望哈维·斯派克特在那啊
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结合临床,对5例心肌梗塞患者心电图的变化进行了分析与诊断,尤其是对一些在心电图上不出现典型改变而易漏诊的心肌梗塞病例进行了分析. Combined with clinical analysis of