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近年来,中国机冶建材系统涌现出一批以王洪军、韩明明、杨建华、王军等国家科技进步奖获得者为代表的技术创新能手,创造出一大批技术创新成果。这与工会为广大职工提高素质、施展才华搭建的重要载体——职工技术创新活动分不开。中国机冶建材工会通过广泛调研,总结近年来职工创新活动的经验,关键在于各级工会在实践中创建了推动职工技术创新活动深入、可持续发展的五项机制。全总原副主席、书记处第一书记孙春兰曾批示道:“机冶建材工会创新机制,提高职工素质的经验很好。”最近,笔者就建立职工技术创新五项机制有关情况专访了中国机冶建材工会主席刘海华。访者:请您介绍一下职工技术创新“五项机制”的基本内容。刘海华:职工科技创新活动在机械冶金建材系统企业有着优秀的传统。通过多年的实践,我们归纳总结出了推动职工技术创新活动可持续发展的“五项机制”。具体内容:一是职工创新活动组织保障机制。将职工创新活动纳入企业创新总体规划,变工会单打独斗为党政 In recent years, a large number of technological innovators, represented by Wang Hongjun, Han Mingming, Yang Jianhua, Wang Jun and other national scientific and technological progress award winners, have emerged in China Machinery & Metallurgical Building Materials System and a large number of technological innovations have been created. It is inseparable from the important carrier for the unions to improve the quality of their workforce and to display their talent - that is, the staff technological innovation activities. Through extensive research and summary of the experiences of employees ’innovation activities in recent years, the key of China Machinery & Metallurgical Building Materials Trade Union lies in that the trade unions at all levels have, in practice, established five mechanisms to promote the in-depth and sustainable development of employees’ technological innovation. Former vice chairman of the General Assembly, the first secretary of the Secretariat Sun Chunlan has commented: “Machinery & Metallurgical Building Materials Trade Union innovation mechanism to improve the quality of staff experience very good. ” Recently, the author on the establishment of five mechanisms for employee technical innovation related to the interview China Machinery & Metallurgical Building Materials Federation President Liu Haihua. Interviewer: Would you please introduce the basic content of the “Five Mechanisms” for technological innovation of employees? Liu Haihua: Staff technological innovation activities in the mechanical metallurgical building materials system companies have excellent traditions. Through many years of practice, we have summed up the “Five Mechanisms” for promoting the sustainable development of technological innovation activities of employees. Specific content: First, employee innovation activities organization security mechanism. Staff innovation activities into the overall enterprise innovation plan, change the labor unions for the party and government
四川郑毓、尤久长二位研究员撰文认为,培养学生的口语能力应该有一个训练计划和序列,并且与写作训练结合起来,做到同步进行。这个计划与序列应该是: According to an artic
启发课就是解决学生通过自学出现的共性难点,因此,不需要老师逐字讲解,无重点、无针对性地串讲,而是启发学生思考问题。教学中要注意以下两个方面: 1、引导学生熟读课文,使
作文范围一、用三个形容词概括你自己,并对每个形容词进行具体说明和论证。要求: 1、必须是三个形容词,不是短语,也不是句子。 2、在具体说明论证时,应首先分析这三个形容词
小河静静地淌,小树轻轻地摇。宁静,慢条斯理,经历了千百个这样的春夏秋冬,我的家乡——一个偏僻的小村庄,还保持了它的老习惯:宁静,慢条斯理。 The river creaked quietly
[总体阅读思考] 阅读本文,需要理解、掌握以下几个问题: 一、作者是怎样描绘沿途所见景物的?每幅画面有什么特点? 二、标题中的“偶拾”二字是否说明作者笔下的景物纯系偶然