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抛开赤裸裸的市场目的,无论是炒作“必读书目”,还是跟风“不必读书目”,现象的背后隐含着一个“学生阅读”不能不正视的问题。那就是行政权威和商业利益的深刻介入正有力地改变社会的阅读风尚:一方面是建制化的文学经典,透过政府出版和审定的文学或语文教材确立了它的权威性与 Putting aside the naked market purpose, whether it is speculation “must-read titles” or follow the trend “do not have to read the bible” behind the phenomenon implies a “student reading” can not face the problem. That is, the profound involvement of administrative authorities and commercial interests is effectively changing the reading style of society: on the one hand, it is a formalized literary classics that has established its authority and authority through literary or linguistic teaching materials published and audited by the government
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通过实地考查,本文报道了河南省信阳地区民间治疗风寒咳嗽、咽喉肿痛的药物“灵贝”的传统使用方法。经植物学初步研究,“灵贝”系百合科贝母属 Fritillaria L.是一种植物的
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“马克思主义与当代社会思潮”系华中科技大学开设的文科博士生公共政治理论课程。该课程对于深刻认识和理解马克思主义的当代发展 ,正确分析和把握当代社会各种思潮 ,扩大知
(一) 很多人或许常常在问:“What isstatistics?”—统计是什么?简而言之,统计算是一门资料学习的课程,让你可以将统计用于基本适切的政府流程、重要的工业决定,以及各阶段现