Effect of Isospin Dependence of Nucleon-nucleon Cross Section on Neutron-proton Ratio of Nucleon Emi

来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blue_violet
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Effect of isospin dependence of nucleon-nucieon cross sectionσNNiso on the neutron-proton ratio of nucleon emissions (n/p)free as the increase of neutron-proton ratio of collision system (n/p)sys is investigated in heavy ion collisions. Where the isospin independent N-N cross sectionσ1noiso andσ2noiso are defined asσnn=σpp =σnp(σ1noiso) andσnn=σpp= (1/2)(σnp+σnn) (σ2noiso) respectively. Because the isospin dependent in-medium N-N cross sectionσNNiso,especially the neutron-proton to proton-proton (neutron-neutron) cross section ration
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