东风浩荡 四季如歌——庆祝火箭军成立一周年大型音乐会《火箭军交响曲》观感

来源 :军营文化天地 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangpeifei
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冰雪渐渐消融,暖意慢慢涌来。踏过春夏秋冬的风霜雪雨,2017年如期而至。此时,镌刻在火箭军官兵脑海之中的2015年12月31日的情景仍然历历在目,在举世关注之下,火箭军这个新的战略军种如同“巨星”般庄严亮相,那一刻的荣耀、那一刻的光彩,仿若昨日、载入史册。回望一年来的征程,时光白驹过隙,光阴荏苒流淌。这一年,火箭军部队在习主席重大军事战略思想指引下,扬帆起 Ice gradually melt, warm slowly rushed. Stepping past the summer, winter, autumn and winter winds and frosts, 2017 scheduled to. At this moment, the scene of December 31, 2015, engraved in the minds of rocket officers and soldiers remains vivid. Under the universal concern, the new strategic arms of the Rocket Army are solemnly displayed as the “superstar”. At that moment, Glory, that moment of glory, just like yesterday, the annals of history. Look back on the journey of the past year, time flies, time flies. This year, the rocket forces started their campaigns under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s major military strategic thinking
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