不一样的豪华车——S80主打环保牌,纯新车内完全没有异味。悬浮中控台代表了北欧设计的精髓。驾驶感受厚重,像碾压着路面行驶。上车前可用心跳探测器发现车内的不速之客。“松开手刹,开始上路,油门不是很轻,但可以感觉到强劲的动力,潜力很大,却并不活跃。”静静的S80拉开VOLVO S80厚重的车门,给我的第一个感觉是车内没有异味,相信很多人都感受过新车的刺鼻气味,在新车内呆久了会有头晕的感觉,而刚刚到店的S80却
Not the same luxury car - S80 main green brand, pure new car completely no smell. Suspension center console represents the essence of Nordic design. Driving feel heavy, like rolling the road. Available on the train before the heartbeat detector found in the car uninvited guests. “Release the handbrake, start on the road, the throttle is not very light, but you can feel a strong momentum, great potential, but not active.” Quiet S80 opened VOLVO S80 thick door, give me the first feeling Is no smell inside the car, I believe many people have felt the pungent smell of a new car, stay in the new car for a long time there will be dizzy feeling, but just to shop S80