
来源 :国外医学(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenjung00
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该文为观察链激酶心包内注射治疗化脓性心包炎的疗效。对象和方法 连续观察印度某医院6例化脓性心包炎的患儿,年龄8个月~12岁,平均595岁,体重62~25kg,均经心包穿刺检查确诊。稀释的链激酶(10000~15000U/kg)通过8F号导管滴入心包中,每12小时一次,每2小时抽吸引流... This article is to observe streptokinase pericardial injection of suppurative pericarditis treatment. Subjects and Methods Six children with purulent pericarditis in a hospital in India were consecutively observed. Their ages ranged from 8 months to 12 years, with an average of 595 years and weight of 62 to 25 kg. All patients were confirmed by pericardiocentesis. Diluted streptokinase (10000 ~ 15000U / kg) through the 8F catheter drip into the pericardial, once every 12 hours, every 2 hours suction drainage ...
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