
来源 :中国水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whxust
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以门头沟区赵家台小流域为研究对象,运用MIKE系列模型软件,将水文模型与一维河流水动力学模型进行耦合,模拟了该流域在“7·21”及10年一遇降雨情况下的降雨径流及不同下垫面状况影响下的坡面汇流入河等过程。模拟结果表明:坡面措施能够有效削减洪峰及洪量,防洪效果显著;沟道措施可在一定程度上提高过水能力,有效缩减淹没范围,减少洪灾损失,但对径流量无明显影响。 Taking Zhaojiatai catchment in Mentougou area as the research object, the MIKE series model software is used to couple the hydrological model with the one-dimensional river hydrodynamic model. The simulation results show that under the condition of “7 · 21 ” and 10-year rainfall Of rainfall runoff and surface conditions under the influence of different surface runoff into the river and other processes. The simulation results show that the slope measures can effectively reduce the flood peak and flood amount, and the flood control effect is significant. The channel measures can improve the water passing capacity to a certain extent, effectively reduce the flooding range and reduce the flood damage, but have no obvious effect on the runoff.
Objective To explore the association between polymorphism in the ACE I/D gene and blood pressure-lowering response to hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) in 829 patients
一、基本情况 福建省农村供水工程点多面广.共有75.93万处.散落于福建省9个设区市85个县(市、区)928个乡(镇)14420个村;供水人口多,2011年实际供水人口2267万人:工程形式多样.有集中式供
中国质量万里行记者发现,挑选涂料要格外留意其环保是否达标,否则会陷入以下几个误区:  误区一、重价格而忽视质量  许多人在选购墙面涂料的时候,很容易走入重价格而忽视质量的误区。有的认为涂料的价格越高越好,所以挑选的时候找最贵的买,但是实验结果显示并非如此。另一种极端的消费者则为了省钱,购买的时候价格越低越好,这样钱省了不少,但是以后的墙面质量和室内环境就堪忧了。因此建议消费者尽量在考虑价格之余注重
Objective To evaluate the effects of copper-phenanthroline(CuOP) on pentachlorophenol(PCP)-induced adaptation and cell death of Escherichia coli. Methods Bacter
Objective To study the specific amino acid variation in Nef that may be related to disease progression after infection with HIV-1 subtype B, a predominant strai