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有一本书,名字就明Small is wonderful,Small is beautiful。在这里,我们想说,小不只是美丽,小,更是一种生活方式,一种人生理想。应该说,在中关村发展,没有什么范式可言,个人在干自己的事儿,追求不同,目标自然也不同:红红火火要干一番大事业者有之,卧薪尝胆、待厚积而薄发者有之;不论怎样,都想把事情做成、做大。用王小波的话说,这里活跃着的几乎都是“伟大一族”,一支人数众多的“梦之队”。毕竟在IT业,真正能够成为巨人的公司只是凤毛麟角。在信息时代的今天,英雄的神话已经成为遥远的过去;在没有英雄的时代,中关村无数个创业者对事业人生的思考和定位是不同的。在张扬而过的无数个品牌、概念、创意、成功标识之后,在令人兴奋而眩晕的主旋律交替奏响、当红人物闪亮“你方唱罢我登场”的盛景之后,是埋头苦干,聪明加勤奋、务实加梦想的“沉默的大多数”。本刊自第六期开出“中关村的微型企业”栏目以来,连续从不同角度向读者展示了中关村的别一种模式——小企业、大市场。这里的“小”是指公司人数而言,“大市场”,也是相对于公司的规模而言,所谓“三五个人来,七八条枪,”却能在市场中独领风骚。相信读者在阅读他们的同时,也阅读到中关村另一种现象,另一种事业人生。 There is a book, the name is clear Small is wonderful, Small is beautiful. Here, we want to say that small is not only a beautiful, small, but also a way of life, a kind of ideal of life. Should be said that in the development of Zhongguancun, there is no paradigm at all, individuals do their own thing, the pursuit of different, the goal is naturally different: booming prosperous business to those who have, Revival, until thick and thin hair There are people; no matter what, want to make things bigger. In the words of Wang Xiaobo, almost all the “great nations” active here are a “dream team” with a large population. After all, in the IT industry, a real giant can only be a rare company. Today, in the information age, the myth of heroes has become a distant past. In the era of no heroes, countless entrepreneurs in Zhongguancun are different in thinking and positioning of their careers. After numerous brands, concepts, ideas and successful logos have been advertised, they are working hard at the exciting and dizzying theme melodious and the popular characters shine “You sing my debut” , Clever plus hardworking, pragmatic plus dream “most of silence.” Since the publication of the sixth issue of “Zhongguancun Micro-Enterprise” column, continuously from different angles to show readers a different mode of Zhongguancun - small businesses, big market. Here, “small” refers to the number of companies, “big market”, but also relative to the size of the company, the so-called “three or five individuals, seven or eight guns,” can dominate the market. I believe readers read them at the same time, also read another phenomenon Zhongguancun, another career life.